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Friday, 21 October 2016


Dear Diary,
The struggle (Morning Devotion) : Waking up very early in the morning is something I'm sure not everybody likes. In my own case, waking up for morning devotion, at 5:00am or 6:00am when my sleep is the sweetest. It is at times like this that I envy sango worshippers (Lord have mercy on your daughter🙏)
At least sango worshippers don't have to wake up 5/6:00am to start singing.
Don't get me wrong, I love God, very much and I love praying but waking up for morning devotion is usually hard and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Especially because my dad is a pastor, true Nigerian pastors' children can relate, and can attest to the fact that as a preachers kid, you get to read your bible everyday, whether you like it or not. We love reading our bible but we don't like waking up early.
Back to my morning devotion or morning altar as some people call it.
They wake me up mercilessly from my sweet sleep which is difficult because I love my bed.
There was even a time when my dad bought a bell, he rung that bell once and everyone magically appeared in the sitting room for morning devotion because that bell was so loud it was like my dad was preparing us for judgment day so that no matter how deep we are asleep, we'll hear when the trumpet of the Lord sounds. But the bell didn't work for long because my mummy protested that it gave her headache so my dad did away with it (Thank God).
Now, bell or no bell, we still have to wake up for morning devotion...
Believe me, it is better written about than experienced .

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